To people in English speaking country
Thank you for coming to this homepage.
I am a 30’s female living in Japan.
I was a believer of Jehovah’s Witnesses(JW) since I was born.
My mother is still an active JW.
Jehovah’s Witnesses have performed abuse to children for a long time.
Because of dreadful abuse and the doctrine “Armageddon will come soon and all persons Except Jehovah’s Witnesses are ruined”, I was going to commit suicide when I was a child.
After a 4-year-old boy of a believer who lives in Hiroshima died due to abuse in 1993,
abuse decreased.
However, the problem of Jehovah’s Witnesses is not only abuse.
Believers are doing a special kind of bullying called “group disregard”, which is evasion to ex-believers who were excluded from a certain Jehovah’s Witnesses congregation.
Even if it is within the same family, believers shall not talk to a person who has been excluded from the believers, and shall not greet them, either.
It is not allowed to appear in a family’s marriage ceremony nor a funeral.
I think that such human rights abuse should not be allowed.
In this homepage, the experiences of people who have encountered abuse, and the experiences of people who are encountering the damage of evasion, are told.
The Watch Tower is writing lies such as : “Bullying is not carried out by believers” and “We are explaining instructions which lead to a fortunate home life” at their homepage.
But in fact, among Jehovah’s Witnesses in Japan, bullying and group disregard are performed frequently.
The rule of the Watch Tower is very severe and believers’ mutual surveillance is very strong.
Furthermore, Jehovah’s Witnesses in Japan are so obedient, even if commands from the Watch Tower are strange, they think they must obey them absolutely.
For those reasons, there are many psychiatric patients from Jehovah’s Witnesses in Japan,
and many patients also commit suicide.
I made this homepage, in order to let know this reality to many people.
Please spread these information via SMS or Twitter.
Thank you for reading and for your cooperation.
Experiences of abuse
Stories of the experiences are introduced below as examples of abuse.